1 definition by normajean76

A ridiculously intelligent girl. Sometimes so much so that it's annoying, but after a while you get used to feeling like an idiot around her and it's not so bad.

She's so smart, not only did she memorize the dictionary, the dictionary memorized her.

She can solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded, but if you blindfold the Rubik's cube, it can't solve her. In fact, even if you take the blindfold off, the Rubik's Cube still won't be able to solve her.

She asks a lot of questions but in reality she's the only one with answers.

She's so pretty that she'd look good after running three miles in the rain. Acid rain.

She's the only woman allowed out of the kitchen, but when you do find her there, it's usually with some tasty treat.

The only thing better than Anneke is Anneke with sliced bread.
You know, I feel like an idiot around Anneke, but that's okay because she's flipping awesome.

A: What's your woman doing out of the kitchen?
B: She's an Anneke!
A: No way! How on earth did you find an Anneke?
B: I bought this Anneke whistle on eBay.
by normajean76 November 27, 2011
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