2 definitions by non-binary pOtAtO :>

WHY THE HECK ARE U SEARCHING THIS UP STOOPID- anyway. Potato language can also be identified as potatian and is mostly the opposite of English even though it are written in the same texts, accents and grammar but it is ONLY used for the word of bOOtiful potatoz

BY THE non-binary pOtAtO
for example, to say your pretty in potato language you would simply say your OOgly
by non-binary pOtAtO :> July 6, 2020
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Glitchaphobia is a phobia of glitches. it is mostly found when people see glitched phones and the affects are your face freezing up, feeling sick and feeling like you just saw someone die, the affects can be mild to SpIcAyYyYy

by the non-binary PhObIa KnOwItAlL
you could say: i HaVe gLiTcHaPhObIa
by non-binary pOtAtO :> July 6, 2020
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