1 definition by next to the ONE

a misunderstood, a force capable of mass destruction, must be handled with care, highly intelligent and hides it well, unpredictable, do not ever assume with this personality type, sweet and loving on his terms only, never force any action because you will lose everytime, only the ONE and only the ONE can push without consequence, complacency can never be tested, loyal and will have your back to the death, will show a softer side with the right touch and respect, distracted easily by surroundings, persistent demands can be annoying, very secretive and selective to those allowed near. Absolutely loveable and adorable! Can produce a stench not of this earth, a pasty biohazard.
Basko equates to a warm, loveable, adorable, feisty, intimidating, statuette, Zeus-like presence.
by next to the ONE February 7, 2010
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