2 definitions by my work of art ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

the word "melonkoover" is used for over-weight white teenagers with IQs under 70. the beginning with "melon" basically means that this person has a melon-shaped body. "koover" is a white mentally-retarded person, that has a brain, but it's the size of their balls, which is obviously small.
Jake- "that dumbass white boy is so annoying!"
Ryan- "ya man, that willer is a melonkoover!
Jake- "I heard that he goes to people's houses to just eat food"
Ryan- "dude, it's kinda fucking obvious."
Jake- "haha, and he also got a 55% on his math test."
Ryan- "of course, he's stupid and obese piggy!"
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"mop head" is a word for tall stupid people with the hair of a mop. usually, the person that is named this has mop hair, that blocks his eyes from seeing. they usually never wash their hair. you see, the mop takes up so much space, they have no space for their brains.
Bob- "holy shit, that tall Asian kid looks like a fucking mop!"
William- "damn, he also never shows up to school, thats probably why you just noticed that"
Bob- "oh i get it! he doesn't show up to school cuz he can't see!"
William- "he's also fat, thats probably another reason he doesn't come! man's a mop head!"
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