9 definitions by mr lobby

someone of irish birth or descent. not to be confused with the porridge wogs of scotland, the garlic wogs of france or the sausage wogs of germany.
the potato wog is a noble but simple creature pale of skin with large hands and a hearty toothless grin. females are easily identified as they can't spit as far.
england lost 23-6 to the potato wogs last week in the six nations.
by mr lobby March 12, 2009
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to be be spunk mugged.
to part with ones seed on the understanding that sufficient contraceptive precuations are in place.
the intention of the deception being to become pregnant for the purposes of securing a mate, coucil flat, celebrity child or financial gain through child support.

the spunk mugger can often be spotted congregating at the local council office. care should be taken not to aggitate them
as they often operate in packs and can be aggressive.
by mr lobby March 11, 2009
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