1 definition by monkeyman 2012


the keystone state. the roads are horrible. the people are all angry hicks that dont get laid. the speed limits on the roads are 45 and everyone does 35 and passing is not allowed. there fore you never can get to where your going, not like there was anywhere to get to anyway. you can get pulled over and ticketed for having tint on your windows (and you will) the roads will mess up your alignment and blow out your tires on your car. you will also slide off the road on black ice.

parties suck. everyone is always angry and drunk and there are 12 dudes to every chick that is there and the chicks that are ugly and not single. you cant buy alcohol at normal places, you have to go to stores that are always closed. in pa everything is always closed and it almost always is cold and dark or gray outside. on the rare occasion there is sun, its probably still cold.

the only topics people in pa talk about is what is on tv and what fast food you are going to eat. seriously. strike up a conversation with a pennsylvanian about anything interesting and look at how they stare at you like they dont know what your saying and then they will start talking about walmart, or the walking dead, or beer, or macdonolds, or somthing else on tv.
if you want to find a bar in pennsylvania, it is as easy as opening your eyes.
by monkeyman 2012 December 21, 2012
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