1 definition by mongoo00se

Gandhi was a quintessential fraud of the 20th century who was hailed as a peace loving symbol of non-violence even though he showed his hypocrisy and cowardice at many occasions like asking Indians to sign up for World War 1 which wasn't even their war, agreed to send the army to Kashmir instead of going there with his charkha to protest at the border because he knew he'd get shot in the ass. Responsible for the deaths of thousands of people due to the partition of India. Too much of a coward to preach to the muslim fanatics during the Noakhali riots his motto of non-violence where hundreds of people died most mercilessly.

Can be used in a sentence to point out someone's hypocrisy.
Person A: "I hate violence. Guns and war are bad. Everyone who engages in war is doing it because he is not as enlightened as I am"
Person B: "Wanna preach that at the border?"
Person A: "Ummm...."
Person B: " Yeah you are just another Gandhian hypocrite."
by mongoo00se August 16, 2019
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