2 definitions by mister phil

Similar to crop dusting, vapor trailing involves farting while walking, but in this case instead of passing someone standing still, the person is walking behind you. Based on the vapor trails that high flying jets make.
I just vapor trailed the poor sap behind me like I was an Airbus A330.
by mister phil August 19, 2008
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First off, I'd like to thank all the platinum grill wearing, more expensive wheels than the car's actually worth driving, horrible casio-tone music bumping, pants so low that it looks like you took a dump having, uneducated f-tards that make the Bay Area sound like it's full of a bunch of imbeciles for posting so many weak posts here. (And yes, I'm being sarcastic if you even know what that means).

If you look up Bay Area in Wikipedia, this is what you'll see:

The San Francisco Bay Area, commonly known as the Bay Area, or the Bay, is a geographically and ethnically diverse metropolitan region that surrounds the San Francisco and San Pablo bays in Northern California.

If you look up Bay Area (disambiguation), this is what you'll see:

Bay Area is a common term to refer to a metropolitan area situated around a bay. Three places in the United States that are referred to simply as "the Bay Area" by their residents are:

* San Francisco Bay Area
* Tampa Bay Area
* Galveston Bay Area

Notice, no mention of Chesapeake, Hudson, or Memphis. Sorry, but when you say Bay Area ANYWHERE around the world, they think SF Bay Area, not Chesapeake or Hudson so don't try to make it sound like we are creating the definition. Words and phrases, much like some in this dictionary, are created based on an agreement in terms of the usage of the lexicon. The term Bay Area has long been associated with the S.F. Bay Area which is why it has stuck.
Yes, I am from THE Bay Area.
by mister phil August 19, 2008
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