1 definition by missamber22

when a man dates/marries a girl who already has children with another man so that he can avoid an annoying part of having babies (changing diapers) or have children older than all of his friends
Ex 1.
Dude 1: Yo, is that Tom with Angela?

Dude 2: Yeah, they've been dating for two years.

Dude 1: Why do their kids look like they are 6 years old.

Dude 2: Oh, that's from when she was boning that emo dude and got pregnant right out of high school. Tom decided he hates being thrown up on so he opted for a girl who could give him a head start.

Ex 2.
Dude 1: Gary's kid is such a prick. One day my kids will whoop his ass.

Dude 2: Gary's boy is 16, how are you gonna do that?

Dude 1: I'm going to get a head start with a white-trash MILF.
by missamber22 May 4, 2009
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