3 definitions by mellin

The observation of a girl's underwear, hopefully a thong, stickin out of their pants. If it's in the back, we call 'er the regular 'peeker.' For the front, see frontal peeker
"Ooo shit man...look! look! look!...she's peekin"
"Wait for it....wait for it....PEEKER!"
"We got a lil' peekpeek I see"

R: "Any good peekers today?"
T: "Holy shit man...Sam Stickels..."
by mellin December 2, 2005
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The observation of a girl's underwear, hopefully a thong, that is sticking out of their pants. If its in the back, we call 'er the regular 'peaker.' For the front, see frontal peaker
"Ooo shit man...look! look! look!...she's peakin"
"Wait for it....wait for it....PEAKER!"
"We got a lil' peakpeak I see"

R: "Any good peakers today?"
T: "Holy shit man...Sam Stickels..."
by mellin December 2, 2005
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On the rare occasion, a girl will peak in the front, which includes their underwear stickin out, hopefully a G or T :). If one does see a frontal peek...make sure you tell everyone you know. A girl with a frontal peek either has huge tits and can't see it or is just a whore. Either way....cool
T: "We have any peakers for the day?"
R: "Hoooo! Sam had a fuckin frontal peaker!"
T: "NO WAY!"
R: "Yes.
R: "Yes."
T: "No Way."
R: "...yes."
by mellin December 2, 2005
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