1 definition by meaowbaby

Lila is the love of my life but also the love of lives of many. She is a gift bestowed upon man by God himself. She is kind but does not let others strut on her, she has the eyes of a beautiful siren goddess, she has the hair of Rapunsal come true, she has the bod of a God, and the mind of a diamond. She is witty, funny, hilarious, and comedic. She will make u LAUGH, so prepare yourself. Also, side note, prepare yourself to have both a companion, lover, maker of jokes, and a personal Brigitte Bardot. She is if Einstein and Brigitte Bardot had a child: it would be her. I would wish you the best, but she brings the luck with her. She is truly a diamond and mark my words, do NOT, N, O, T, lose her. I have a story to tell of her. It is the story of a beautiful dragon that emerged and caused a hole in the ceiling. But on her way to the ceiling, she not only left a hole in the ceiling but in my heart. She is great with animals but does not love them. She likes seals doe. She is a maze of wonders. You think you know the maze? But you dont. This maze has so many beautiful twists and turns and wonders that you will learn something new each day. How could I forget to mention her siren like voice. I could keep going all day defining what a Lila is, but I sadly do not have enough time to do so. I hope that you one day meet a Lila, for she truly will be the most beautiful soul you will ever encounter. XOXO
Oh my god what is that hole in the ceiling and in my heart: Lila.
by meaowbaby September 18, 2022
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