2 definitions by mansbestfriend

A dog trick. A piece of food (kibble, pancake, etc) is placed on the nose of a sitting dog. On command the dog flips the piece off its nose and catches it in its mouth.
"Snup it!"
by mansbestfriend July 31, 2009
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The act of a girl having her period during sex, thus making the pubic hairs on the vagina red and stuck together like strawberry laces. Then the male partner then sticks his tongue into the gooey warmth of vagina causing many groans from his partner.

James: oho! Strawberry laces? Nice...

Slurp. Splish.

Susan: oaaoohaaao YES YES YES!

Next morning

James: Susan gave me strawberry laces and she moaned like a wilder beast
by mansbestfriend June 23, 2013
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