1 definition by malcolmXfan

a word or phrase shared by a group which has a special meaning to that group

codewords are often used to hide meaning or intention from anyone not in the group

groups that use codewords extensively include commies, racists, teens, politicians, military, conservatives, cops, criminals, drug dealers, gangs, lawyers, geeks, and spies

contrast "codeword" with "shibboleth", which is a word that identifies you as belonging to a particular group but doesn't have any special meaning
"Kenyan" is a white racist codeword for "nigger", as in the sentence, "The President is really a Kenyan". It's a way for upscale white conservatives and trailer-trash rednecks to mutually share their blatantly racist concerns.

shibboleth example: "As soon as that banger said 'aight', I knew he was a member of the Two-Seven. Only those OG's still say shit like that."
by malcolmXfan August 24, 2009
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