1 definition by lypathia

(Technology Student Association)
Student organization where members compete in a wide variety of technology-related events at state and national level every year for a chance to get some shiny trophies and recognition.

Some examples of the competitions are: Agriculture and Biotechnology, Architectural Model, Chapter Team, CAD, Desktop Publishing, Dragster Design, Electronic Game Design, Engineering, Fashion Design, Film, Flight, Imaging Technology, Manufacturing Prototype, Music Production, Promotional Graphics, Radio Controlled Transportation, Structural Engineering, System Control Technology, Technical Sketching, Technology Problem Solving, Transportation Modeling, etc.
TSA kid #1: So, which events are you doing this year?
TSA kid #2: Ag bio, dragster, tech bowl, system control and manufacturing.
TSA kid #1: Oh cool, man!
by lypathia June 20, 2009
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