1 definition by lushywushy

The name of a godess that should have been placed into her own fairytale. it would have went a little something like this.

Once upon a time, there was a child called Mateisha she was the most precious girl you had ever laid eyes on. light brown eyes, dark majestic flowing hair, cute eyelashes stunning smile. she was born to be a singer. just didnt know it yet. 20 years later she was married to a dashing sexy stud of a guy handsome.they were so cute together. they moved country and made money through helping children and she sang people back to life.WOW which gave immortality. she had 600 babies because he could not keep his hands off her. THE END

great story huh?

Mateisha is kind natured and adorable.
dayum that girl has brown eyes she must be mateisha
by lushywushy October 25, 2012
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