1 definition by lrodry18

An alcoholic beverage that is considered by many to be the guillotine of all drinks. Not for the inexperienced; do not give it to a bitch friend, annoying girlfriend, or wuss.

See: bitch friend / annoying girlfriend / wuss

The equivalent to a horse kicking you in the face, after two cans. If you can get past the first one without vomiting all over your girlfriend's tits, the second one will have you blacking out, crying for the mercy of death as you go around in circles around a lightpost in the middle of the highway and screaming about Fidel Castro and how he likes to fuck children in the ass.

Three cans is considered suicide in Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, New York, and Texas.
Hey man, want to drink some 4 Lokos tonight?

Sure, let me get a tourniquette and write out my will first.


Yo! I bought some 4 lokos, can I pass by?

Do you have a rifle at standby, with tranquilizer darts?

Shit, no; let me go get it first.
by lrodry18 October 7, 2010
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