1 definition by loversareliars

a person who likes something just because they have heard that someone else likes them. someone who wouldn't understand the meaning behind the lyrics or the thoughts and feelings. someone who says they are when they aren't and are so obviously following along. someone who is so fake it's sickening.
person1: so i'm gonna go buy this AFI cd.
person2: what's AFI?
person1: just this band i like.
person2: what does it stand for?

a week later, (after seeing picture of AFI)
person2: eww, they're so scary looking

a week later after that,
person2: yea!, soo i really like miss murder.
(sings *kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep* in squeaky voice.)
person1: uhmmm..

in other words, posers are people who take the meaning out of something beautiful by twisting it around and turning it into something strange in their little podpeople heads.

not that AFI would ever be ruined.
by loversareliars September 17, 2006
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