4 definitions by lolmountian

the gongoozler

The gongoozler is a creature that lives inside the water. you will only encounter it if it is in the night. The gongoozler will mostly not attack you. it will only lurk in the deepest depths of a dark, cold body of water.
hey Ethan, I have an idea for a video.
what is it Mark?
what if we go swimming at night?
that's a bad idea, The gongoozler will catch you!
what the f… is a gongoozler
by lolmountian October 11, 2020
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when you are so bored that you just press the keys on your keyboard from 1 to m while avoiding the other things that numbers and letters of course.
lol bored so im gonna make a definition of 1234567890poiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxz because I am so bored lol
by lolmountian September 29, 2020
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what a person named gd thinks the correct spelling of succes is.
yay i beat clubstep, saving
backup failed
oh it worked
by lolmountian June 30, 2021
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When you are so bored that you type all the letters on your keyboard in a spiralling motion. You've tried qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, poiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxz and even qwaszxerdfcvtyghbnuijkmopl! Most commonly searched when there are more important things to do like your science project that is due next Wednesday.
(in google)
what does sin, cos and tas mean?
by lolmountian March 16, 2022
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