10 definitions by llihp notwen

A shirt which has aged a bit, but still fits and acceptable to wear when lounging around the house, etc.

A ridulously oversized shirt given to you by some asshole family member (who is probably too much of a retard to look at the size label first) for the purpose of 'slobbing around in'
'Hey, that's a cool shirt
'Thanks, I've had it ages, more of a slobbing around shirt to be honest

'Ahh nice shir..oh..ermm... why's this shirt XXL exactly?'
'Ahh, its more of a slobbing around shirt, really'
'What's the point in that? couldn't you just be realistic and get one my size?'
'No I couldn't, we got it for free anyway, so like it or I'll kick your head in.'
by llihp notwen August 31, 2019
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a word to describe the incomprehenable bullshit that arabs come out with
Arab 1 -flabababadababa
Arab 2- yididadadaba
by llihp notwen September 15, 2009
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abbriviation for 'What a Chode'
'Oh my god...
Jimmy actually bought a book on World of Warcraft.'

'pfft, WAC'
by llihp notwen March 4, 2010
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