1 definition by lkafd

The best CS player in existence. Possibly the biggest badass imaginable. Is known to pwn nubs, noobs, n00bs, noobies, nublets, nubcakes, nubsauces, naabs, noobsticks, neebs, nuubs, newbs, newbies, nuubs in tuubs, noobasauruses, noobwads, noob bags, nub-nubs, nibs, newbits, knobs, nubheds, nubliches, wubs, noobaloids, nubholes and other forms of the word noob.

Synonyms: Great, amazing, God.
Antonyms: HAXOR
LI3K lolz Ploof PWNED MEH.
by lkafd February 6, 2007
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