2 definitions by livingthecanadiandream


one who has long, alien-like fingers and toes and/or has somewhat of a "deer-in-the-headlights" look about her. Often makes odd gestures and noises on accident and feels intense urges to do/wear crazy things.
"hey did you just see that girl pull the fire alarm for no reason?"
"yeah... she must be charisse."
by livingthecanadiandream April 13, 2008
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one who has long, alien-like fingers and toes and/or has somewhat of a "deer-in-the-headlights" look about her. Often makes odd gestures and noises on accident and feels intense urges to do/wear crazy things.
"hey did you just see that girl pull the fire alarm for no reason?"
"yeah... she must be charisse."
by livingthecanadiandream April 13, 2008
Get the Charisse mug.