1 definition by liu13

a sad, self pitying, underachieving, socially inept, sheltered, superficial, ignorant but steadfast, desperate, and determined guy

his sole purpose in life is to find a good looking girl that will love him for who he is, that isn't a gold digger or a prostitute

he has herpes from the "service provider" he used

he has an education from a few schools no one has heard of outside his city

he's even gotten fucked and chucked

but he is persistent, he will go to the bus stops, the dating sites, the libraries, the streets and sarge like his life depended on it, he gets numbers and emails by the dozens but none of these connections last

through it all, he endures and persists

on the internet he gets invaluable advice from the masses, his power level increases, and his journey continues

in everyone, there is a joe45
joe45 will get rejected 1000 times, post 10000 threads, and go sarge the next day, because he aint no fucking quitter
by liu13 April 20, 2011
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