2 definitions by little red haired girl

A spiper is a fiercely loyal friend who would start a world war for you, who would go to the mat for you, who has your back in every situation. Someone who empowers you to be everything you were created to be. They have the ability to change you even though they don't. They are someone you can totally be yourself around without fear of ever being judged, condemned or rejected. A spiper is closer than a brother, a rare true friend that can be trusted with your life.
"Dude, the way you took a stand for me back there... that meant the world to me. You're a true spiper."
by little red haired girl January 26, 2013
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A spicy sexy sultry woman that laughs hard and loves deep. Beautifully bewitching to look at, she is a spirit on fire, and once you taste her, her heat will stay on your tongue forever.
Oh man, I think I'm gonna burst into flames just looking at that Gbanero!
by little red haired girl July 18, 2016
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