1 definition by literallyatrashcan

An uncommon term used to describe second-class and corrupt discord servers. The term originates from a discord server by the name of Memecord, run by popular youtuber Memetastic and his shitty, defective, unprincipled administrators/moderators. These people are commonly recognised for banning and muting users for groundless reasons, some mutes lasting for several weeks without any resolve. This causes users to suffer, which may be the cause of their toxicity. The common Memecord user has a garbage sense of humour which usually consists of loud noises and pointless spam. Users are also known for, bullying anyone who has an opinion, bullying new members and bullying weebs, females, non-straights, etc. In conclusion Memecordism is a word used to define discord serves that match this description
Man, this server has a lot of Memecordism, I better leave before I have to experience it.
by literallyatrashcan May 18, 2020
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