1 definition by liquidquinn

the curly-headed god of funny.known for his famous character,Ron Burgundy in Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy and his other crack-you-up movies Step Brothers,Talladega Nights,Elf,Old School,Blades of Glory,The Producers etc.
He's one of the creators of funnyordie.com - the comedy video website.
Is that what you call hilarious?You should see Will Ferrell's movies then.

Anything thats got Will Ferrell in it will have me LOFL like fuck.

Champ:What in the hell's diversity?
Ron:Well,I could be wrong,but I believe diversity is an old,old wooden ship that was used during the civil war area

After Veronica realized she was being pranked on the phone:
Veronica: You know what?This is pathetic
Ron: You're pathetic (and hangs up)

by liquidquinn January 19, 2009
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