3 definitions by lil ling ling

gyal is shit but we need them in life but they are still shit
your gyal done you you wld say gyal is shit to feel better
by lil ling ling April 10, 2020
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The most beautiful girl in the world to exsist she is kind and caring and she cares for people who cares for her when she falls in love with someone truly she will love them forever she makes your heart warm when you think of her and makes you happy all the time her happines makes other happy she fixes the broken people and she is the most wonderful person to exsit she is honestly a gift from god <3
Boy 1: "hey you see that girl jameika she rel nice"
Boy 2: "ay doh talk to she she have a man and her man does kill"
Boy 1 : " alright bro ill leeave her alone but damn her man rel lucky"
by lil ling ling July 13, 2021
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Jameika is the most beautiful girl in the entire world she is kind and caring and very respectful she cares for people who care about her even though its hard to trust someone at first but when she trust you she will care and love you like no other she makes you happy by her being happy and she is loyal and funny and wife material she has the funniest jokes and is loved by everyone she fixes the people she cares about and she honestly will make you fall in love with her for over a year and she is smart very smart and gets good grades and has one of the best names ever she her name means "an angel in disguise" because she is an angel sent from heaven to bless us.
Boy 1 "ay look that rel sweet girl name jameika"
Boy 2 "doh talk to she eh she have a man and she in love wid he alone i hear they get married"
Boy 1 " wayz her man rel lucky to have her in his life jameika is like a blessing"
by lil ling ling July 13, 2021
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