2 definitions by lab871

old people having sex!!
that have rust dicks and rusty pussy's that are dried up
and with spider weds in there beeps!!
(bed)bum bum

(kid) grandmama what you do in?

(grandmama)ouch, you put it in the wroge way!!
(grandmama's hurt !!!!
by lab871 December 14, 2010
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love is kind, love is good.
love is NOT having sex then get nocked up with a baby that you don't even know if it is yours.
brule:come lets have sex!!

ME:no lets snuggle

brule:nooo i want it noww!

ME: no cause the next thing you know i will be on that show 16 and......

brule:u thing too much i bet i can calm your feelings....

so called LOVE
by lab871 December 16, 2010
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