2 definitions by klasalben

When someone new breaks his way into a new group of friends due to change of circumstance. This can often cause confusion in the group with a change in the ranking of the alpha males or smaller characters in the group becoming left out and replaced.
Ben: I think Fister is coming over saturday night as well.
Karl: Fister?
Ben: you know Alex.
Karl: That bloody ringbreaker! who does he think he is! breaking into the gang and acting as if nothing has happened!!
Ben: Shut up karl.
by klasalben November 24, 2011
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The name given to someone who is either trying to break into a ring by being cool or someone who constantly comments on all posts on the book of face.
James: have you seen what she has put on facebook?
Alex: yeah i know typical Jerry Mcfaggot
by klasalben November 24, 2011
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