1 definition by kindman14

Asvin is an extremely attractive, but incredibly obese monster. Asvin spends his entire life analyzing bits and pieces of Marvel movies, and whenever his friends ask him to watch a show, he usually leaves them on delivered. Asvin lives at the popular fast food chain, Chick Fil A, as can be explained by his tremendous weight. However, when Asvin is not eating burgers, he can be a very outgoing and genuine person. Asvin is extremely fun to talk to, but he is also extremely racist. Asvin's life revolves around saying words he shouldn't be saying, such as the infamous N-word. Asvin also makes fun of other races, including his own, calling people "chinks" and "monkeys" based on their Asian/Latino ethnicities. Asvin was originally meant to have a twin, but he consumed his twin in the womb. Whenever Asvin tries to impress a male, he usually goes to their house and kidnaps their parents to try and get them to fall in love with him. However, Asvin thinks that it is very sexy and not psychotic whatsoever.
Asvin, oh yeah, that's that one fatass who always be sayin "nigga"
by kindman14 February 1, 2022
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