9 definitions by k2kate

Guy: Hey! What's up with your cat? He's running around all crazy like!

Girl: Oh, that. He's been into the meowie wowwie again and it gets him really wound up. Like a shot of whiskey does you.
by k2kate May 13, 2010
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Exclamation of equal parts disgust, disbelief, shock, and horrified concern for the speaker or situation referred to.
Guy #1: I didn't think Palin was so bad. Why didn't you women vote for her, anyway?
Girl #1: Sweet polevaulting Jesus, Caribou Barbie was the ultimate parody of a token! I don't know where the Gay Old Pedophiles find these incompetent candidates. She's tundra trash at it's worst, pimping out her office and family like she did.
Guy #1: OK, OK! Settle down!
by k2kate December 7, 2008
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