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the abbreviation of Ringwood secondary college, among other things, this is a school that goes all out with house competitions, has great teachers, great classes (especially the A classes, 7A, 8A etc) and lame students, with some cool ones, this school also teaches math, English, science and visual communication, among other things.
person 1: do you know of RSC?
person 2: yeah, it means relationship status change, like for Facebook or-
person 1: no, the other one
person 2: oh, random subject change, ok, have you heard of Ringwood secondary college? oh, that works too, what a coincidence
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Lucien (loo-shin) is the name of any one who is a perfect combination of smart, intelligent, kind, loving, hard working and just plain cool, usually a boy, but not always, this name means light in latin
person 1: Lucien is so cool
person 2: meh, he's no loo-oh wait, yeah, he is
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often mistaken for club, Clubb is the name for any family with over nine children, the number of boys or girls isn't important, but they have to all have the same parents, if there are over fifty then it becomes crazyy, often confused with crazy
person 1: I heard that you were a Clubb
person 8: no, I only have seven siblings
persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7: hi!
person 1: oh, my bad
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