1 definition by josezantoyo33

Very hot, Huge ass, always smiling and brightens the day. you never want to be away from her she's irresistible, It's a russian name but she is most likely mexican and mixed with other things.

she has bright beautiul glowing eyes and Seems like a good girl but she's really a badass, sexy, naughty girl. she dosen't care about designer clothes she just goes with the flow and is herself, Can get any guy she wants, is confident..and never let her go because she will make your life worth living, she's amazing in bed but is down for anything a rule breaker, elexis is usualy funny and wild
elexis's smile brightens up the room
she trys to deny she has a big ass but everyone knows she does.
by josezantoyo33 June 13, 2014
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