1 definition by jgmjgm27

Nikitaa is a blonde haired, hyper, hilarious, pretty and is normally hurt by stupid boys. She's never had the chance to fall in love properly because she always seems to get hurt. Nikitaa is loyal and an amazing friend, not a backstabber and normally has good advice about making hard decisions. She is such a laugh and always seems to put a smile on your face. She's beautiful and if you gain her trust, treasure it as it's worth it. Boys don't realise how lucky they are when they have her in her arms. Great dancer and it amazingly funny on a night out with her girls.

If your her bestfriend, you have struck luck to have such a girl in your life..
anonomous: 'Who is that sexy chick Nikitaa?'
jason derelo: 'I don't know but i'd lick her all the way down, in the shower ;)'
by jgmjgm27 January 6, 2012
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