1 definition by jexsen

Jexson is and honest, funny, and loyal individual. Jexsen always has a word to say about things he is passionate about no matter what it has to do with. He may have had a hard life but in no way shape or form shows it. Jexson will always care deeply about his freinds well-being and stability and put everyone he loves above himself. Jexson always manages to put a smile on someones face especially in times of need. Jexson does what he wants and doesn't let anyone push him down for being himself. Jexsen doesn't easily get annoyed or frightened but pushing him against a wall will scare him (sometimes dirty-minded much). When he gets down people will realize from his personality change, He may need some calming down but once back on his feet he's a total badass. Jexson is also probaly into arts and anime! UwU
jexsen= bullyyyy but lovable
by jexsen November 22, 2019
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