1 definition by jewman1293

also known as the white devil, or fluffy devil. A white male cat that has satan like qualities. Such as, attacking your feet while walking by, attacking your head while you sleep, attacking your hand because it moved slightly, attacking your leg because he thought he saw a bug that some looks a lot like nothing. Its powers lie in its looks. It may however look adorable don't touch it. Its fluffiness hides its claws that are always out. It also has an act for playing dead. Another thing is that it moans for no reason at all. the only way to fix this problem is to shoot the cat (highly recommended) or have it castrated. WARNING: if you have a cat like this do not let it spawn its babies will have wings and the taste for human blood. If this was to happen call the local authorities and invest in a semi automatic shotgun.
Jim: man my cat freakin scratched the crap out of arm this morning.

Larry: sounds like you have a skippy on your hands
by jewman1293 July 18, 2010
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