1 definition by jadedbluerose

Largest entitlement program in the United States, its primary purpose is the storage of children whose parents are unwilling to raise and educate them. Often called by the misnomer "public education". Many people mistakenly believe that the monitors, aka "teachers", actually educate the children while they are there, despite class sizes that clearly demonstrate that the monitor's influence is a relatively small percentage.
Parental at the beginning of summer break: "School is out. Oh no! What am I going to do with them all summer? They misbehave SO much when they're bored, it's just impossible. I'd rather be at work."

Parental at the end of summer: "Thank God the kids are back in schoolcare! I am SO glad, I just can't stand them being home all summer!"

Parental to homeschooling parent: "Oh, I could never do that. Mine are in schoolcare; I wouldn't want to be around them that much."
by jadedbluerose June 24, 2013
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