1 definition by j bob evans

Grateful Dead originated as a theme of stories surrounding a man traveling upon a path and meeting upon death or a life threatening debt. Another man comes along and pays the strangers debt, buries the dead man, pays for his burial, or pays his debts enabling his proper burial. In any case, the restless soul is laid to rest and the protagonist continues about his way only to find himself in peril. At this time, his life is spared by the spirit or effects of the dead man or the heroic actions of the freed man from earlier in the story.
You go to a Grateful Dead Show, but you have no ticket because you blew all your cash smoking out your recently divorced Deadhead buddy. You stand around all day getting stoned for free with your index finger in the air and some gorgeous little hippy chick comes up to you and kisses you on the lips and gives you a free ticket to the show....You, your divorcee buddy, and the cute chick with extra tickets all dance like the Wizard of Oz, hand in hand, up the ramp into the concert. 20 years later you and your Deadhead buddy are talking about the time you and he and his wife met at the Dead Show....
by j bob evans September 19, 2007
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