1 definition by iwrotegenesis

1. Debt-to-Income Ratio (n.) Credit indicator computed by dividing one's total accumulated debt by one's annual net income.

2. A DOS command short for "directory"
1. "Dude, my DIR is laughable at best, immasculating at worst."

2. "I'll just type 'dir' at the 'c:\' command prompt to get a list of all the files contained in this drive (typing dir/p will pause the too-quickly scrolling list at each screen-length of text so that it can be read; typing 'dir/w' at the 'c:\' or 'd:\' etc.' command prompt will list the contained files in columns; typing 'dir/p/w' will get you columns as well as pause the list if there are too many file names to fit on the screen at one time)."
by iwrotegenesis July 12, 2010
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