1 definition by ingleaccident

Verb. To shower champagne (specifically Bollinger brand) on someone. Chiefly British. Not found in the OED.

"...Bollyspraying Bullingdonians who rule us..." London Rev. Books 6Jan2011

"...but nobody wants a return to the 1980s, when yuppies brayed as the Bolly sprayed" Sunday London Times 3Dec2006
bolly-sprav (participle) "...Bolly-spray (ing) Bullingdonians who rule us..." London Rev. Books 6Jan2011

bolly-sprav (past tense) "...but nobody wants a return to the 1980s, when yuppies brayed as the Bolly-spray (ed)" Sunday London Times 3Dec2006
by ingleaccident January 10, 2011
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