1 definition by immortal voices

MGTOW,men going their own way is not a misogynistic movement,now if some incels(involuntary celibates) have joined our movement masking themselves as MGTOW im really sorry about that,its not who we are! MGTOW is a movement about men who have been screwed by the gynocentric justice system that doesnt give a fuck about men and because we cant do nothing about it(MENS RIGHTS ACTIVISTS DONT DO SHIT!) we get away from the justice system,from women and we go our own way,which means we dont marry(because of divorce alimony) and we dont do long term relationships(because of fear of rape allegations),also if youve seen some MGTOW videos and seen some really bad things get spoken about women its just a tactic that we use on ourselves to convince ourselves to not do long term relationships with women,because some times we arent so focused in going our own way,its like telling someone with diabetes that chocolate is disgusting so that he doesnt eat it!
"the corrupt gynocentric justice system doesnt give a fuck about men! Thats why im a MGTOW!"
by immortal voices August 7, 2019
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