1 definition by imf@mousRod

a funny,book and/or street smart male that carries himself with confidence.At first, he may be reserved but as one gets to know him,he can open up and be that loyal and honest friend that everyone needs in their lives.Rodericks are unique, they can be calm and collected or the loud opinionated person depending on their mood.They love to have fun, even if it is by themselves
Erykah:I was at this party the other night and it was so dead.I mean the music was playing but no one was dancing.
Brittany:So did you leave?
Erykah:I was about to when this handsome stranger walked in with a few of his friends and pulled me to the dance floor
Brittany:Sounds like a Roderick?
Erykah:Yeah,he was and then the party really began
by imf@mousRod February 5, 2010
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