1 definition by il miglior fabbro

Taken from the Arabic; Generally, "smallah" is often used to recognize something cute, impressive, or lucky.

"Smallah" is also interchangable with, “hold the envy” and “knock on wood.”

"Smallah" is complex -- and this is the family of ideas that it belongs to: Expressing adoration and lack of spite in the face of what is typically enviable. "Smallah" withholds jealousy and just provides praise.
1. I failed my classes this semester but you aced everything, smallah. You're definitely going places.

*Between the knowers of "smallah" - person 1 would just look at person 2's excellent report card and say, " smallah." And then maybe pinch their cheek with a slightly proud smile.

2. My beat up 1993 Toyota Corolla made it all the way to Ohio without breaking down, smallah. Look at that amazing little car... It's better than dad's Lexus.
by il miglior fabbro September 6, 2019
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