1 definition by ifunnychefsucks

An app filled with autistic 12 year olds that complain about never getting laid. The app's top comments are ran by bots. Most of the content is dog memes and filled with people who can not spell at all. Ifunny used to be a good app during the rage comic era. Now it's filled with shitty Instagram pictures of dogs with captions and vines. Welcome to the new Ifunstagram where Chef is a faggot that spews the dog memes on his own profile. The people of Ifunny are as entertained by unfunny things so much like Peter Griffin laughing at jingling keys.
Ifunny users.

Person 1. Bro did you see that feature? He said hooman instead of human! So funny.
Person 2. Its not funny i don't get it. Kill yourself.
Person 1. Yes it is faggot! Im reporting you!
Person 1: Oh look a dog *like* laughs like retard so funny!
by ifunnychefsucks November 1, 2017
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