1 definition by ibmeruu

Someone of extreme low value and self worth who profusely claims otherwise. A Drumpf will exaggerate personal perceptions of wealth, physical characteristics, business relationships, and almost every aspect pertaining to themselves. With every exaggeration the person becomes more of a Drumpf thereby increasing their need for validation others. The best way to deal with a Drumpf is to ignore them and to let others know that the person is simply a Drumpf. If that doesn't work call them "a Loser", "Worthless", or "Very Very not Smart".
(noun) That Drumpf will say anything to make himself feel rich, strong, and important.

(verb) I wish he would quit Drumpfing on and on about himself, It makes him look like a clown.
(adj) He so Drumpf he actually believes the garbage coming out of his mouth.
by ibmeruu March 5, 2016
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