2 definitions by ianjker

When you are at a restaurant and have a drink that the waiter asks to refill. You say no. Thirty seconds later, your drink is full and you have no idea what happened.
Waiter: Would you like more coke?

You No thank you I'm fine.

Waiter: okay...

***30 seconds pass***
You go to take a sip and your cup is full.

You:....What the...wow...Ninja refill
by ianjker October 10, 2010
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When you are at a restaurant and have a drink that the waiter asks to refill. You say no. Thirty seconds later, your drink is full and you have no idea what happened.
Waiter: Would you like more coke?

You No thank you I'm fine.

Waiter: okay...

***30 seconds pass***
You go to take a sip and your cup is full.

You:....What the...wow...Ninja refill
by ianjker October 10, 2010
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