1 definition by i_bored

is that one guy you meet at a party and connect with instantly. He has dreamy brown eyes, a warm smile, and has perfectly messy hair. He’ll look like a fuckboy to you at first (bc of his curly hair), but the second you get to know him, you realize that he’s not. He’s the perfect gentleman who actually cares about you the way no one else has. He’s your first love. He’s smart, athletic, and very funny too. He’s also very hott, and tall, and a part of the football team too. He’ll give up his seat just for you, he’ll travel across a bridge into a different city just to see you, and he’ll be straight up and won’t ever lie to you. Yes, he might’ve hurt you before, but he didn’t mean it. Don’t be a dumb bitch like me and let him go.
ex: “goshh i’m still in love with Gustavo”
bff: “i mean duh, he’s your first love
by i_bored December 1, 2019
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