2 definitions by i hate chavs aswell


old roman fort town in northwest englnad near the borders of wales. full of rich and rich wanna be`s
quility of ladies is good , better than the usual brightm orange faces and tracksuits you get in surrounding areas
same cant be said for the males they all love themselves and spend hours gazing in shop windows just to check their hairs ok (this includes chavs )
although with chav males its hard to tell if they are trying to start a fight with the guy starting at them or checking their threads and cheap gold

you can have a good night out in chester and theirs usualy some chav bint flashing herself for a lift to laugh at
lets go chester and see some fit birds
lets go chester and rob the posh of its fit totty
by i hate chavs aswell June 8, 2006
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runcorn was once a nice little group of villages
during the 60s housing estates were built to house chavs ,
scum and general unwanted from liverpool
chav estates include
palace feilds , halton brook , murdershore , brook vale , castle feilds ,dukesfeild (inbread chavs),hallwood park (ex southgate),beechwood (posh chavs),castle rise (poor chavs),
quarry close (chav elite) ,town hall estate, grange way,windmill hill ,weston point (chemicaly tainted chavs)
runcorn has a ruined castle that could of been to defend from chavs and tv licence men
main chav meeting points in runcorn , halton lea (shopping mall) mc`ds carpark and every street corner or around local shopping centers
you pikie chav git get back to runcorn
runcorn chav scum
by i hate chavs aswell June 8, 2006
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