2 definitions by hyunsoomii_

Inigos are really sweet and thoughtful. He’s extremely cute and fun to be with. He’s someone who can understand you when no one else can. He has this calm voice everytime he tries to comfort you. He’s really good at showing affection and is super lovable. His chubby cheeks and round doe-eyes can make you fall in love with him so much more. Inigos can also be really tough to deal with sometimes because of the lack of time-management and addiction to playing video games. But it’s okay because Inigos are the type to say sorry and apologize sincerely. I love Inigo so much. When you come across an Inigo, make sure to cherish him and take care of him.
Inigo, you’re just everything i could ever imagine. I love you.
by hyunsoomii_ June 10, 2021
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Rayvers are depressed ass kids. they like to post random shit on their social media like how depressed and sad they are. They tend to be really happy on the outside but inside, he’s all sad and empty. He’s usually really messy and out-going. He’s a good friend but he does tend to get too annoying because all he does is rant about how depressed he is. He’s tall and fucking scrawny. He’s good at every sport and loves to bike alot.
damn he depressed. he must be rayver
by hyunsoomii_ June 10, 2021
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