10 definitions by honorarius

The sexual act of lubing up the handle of a cooking pot, placing it in a female's anus; then, as you penetrate her vagina with your penis, you defecate in the pot.
I can't believe that bitch let me give her the Pot Roast...
by honorarius January 28, 2006
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A sniggler is someone who takes the parking spot you wanted, or who otherwise does something perfectly legitimate, but which nonetheless inconveniences or annoys you.
That sniggler just took my parking spot!!!
by honorarius April 8, 2006
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A drink:

2 shots of Ouzo
1 shot of Amaretto
1 shot of Scotch

Combine in glass...


History of the ugly: A bunch of us were at a bar for a co-workers birthday. We bought the birthday boy a number of shots, so many in fact, that he couldn't drink them fast enough. We convinced him to pour the four remaining shots (The ones listed above) into a beer glass, and then chug it. He did, and now as a birthday tradition, a guy MUST drink the ugly on his birthday.
He drank the ugly and puked everywhere!!!
by honorarius February 24, 2006
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