1 definition by hisgirlfriend123456789

Acts tough on the outside outside, but is a shy goofball on the inside. If you are dating him he’s just a big baby and will give you all the love and affection you need. He can also be very stubborn sometimes. Brenin is outgoing and likes to get involved that has anything to do with his friends, and tries to be there for all his friends. (He’s pretty gay for them sometimes too, but just won’t admit it) Is very loyal but has his standards when it comes to some people. If he thinks you’re toxic, he’s quick to drop you. He’s very tall slim and has just the right amount of “built” in his body. Has dirty blonde hair and gorgeous eyes that you’ll want to stare at forever. He also is somehow really good at everything even if he’s never done it before. Brenin is an all around fun guy to be around and that mostly everyone loves because of his charismatic personality.
Friend: Ball up?
Me: Nah, but Brenin will. 😎
by hisgirlfriend123456789 October 2, 2019
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